On Monday, the history club and history reps went on the memory bus. it was made in 1962 and it has got things from the world war 2 in it.At the bottom, we saw what a house was like in world war 2 by going in a fake one.
It looked completly real and inspired us all. then everyone went to the shop. It showed us what a 1940's shop looked like.we saw an old magazine and sweets.Then all of us went to the top and saw old 1940 comics.we also saw a air rade shelter. An alarm went off and we had to go into the air raid shelter.it was very dark,there was only one parrafin lamp to lighten the shelter.There was beds to sleep in, and
caned food.finally we went back to class and carried on with our day.( : by austin and Poppy
World Book Day
15 years ago